The Ultimate Hook-Up Checklist

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“Hook-ups” don’t always have to be an unprepared, passion-filled, sweaty romp in the backseat of a car. Sometimes one night stands can be extremely romantic and fulfilling. Sometimes one night stands are the complete opposite, resulting in dissatisfaction from poor planning and uncomfortable circumstances.

Although planning an intimate encounter can take out some of the romance, properly preparing before a hook up can make the situation run a lot smoother. Having a few items prepared before the encounter can improve it in more ways than one. Having the proper supplies can take your experience from a zero to ten (on a ten point scale, of course) in just a matter of a few minutes. This is the Ultimate Hook-Up Checklist.

1. Comfy Location

The first item on the checklist is to acquire some type of location where the hook up will take place. Preferably it should be somewhere where there’s plenty of elbow room and plenty of privacy. Sometimes sexual encounters are exciting in semi-public locations, but make sure you eliminate every possibility to be caught. It’s best to find a location where you won’t feel rushed.

2. Protection

Yes, bringing up protection during an interaction can be awkward, but so it getting pregnant or contracting an STD, so it’s best to bring it up before engagement. Both partners should bring some type of STD protection, birth control, or both, in case that the other forgets. Nothing is more disappointing than getting hot-in-heavy and stripping down your partner to realize that neither of you brought protection.

3. Lubrication

There is a quite a vast variety of lubrication in the world, ranging from all different flavors, textures, and brands. The right type of lube can greatly impact the amount of pleasure that one feels during sex. Trying out different flavors and sensations is a fun way to spice up your one night stand.

4. Sexy Costume

This refers to all type of sexually enticing clothing, so it could be lingerie, role playing costumes, or it could simply be underwear. Sometimes the very best part of a hook-up is the reveal, so excite your partner with clothes that you feel sexy in.

5. Toys

Even as adults, we absolutely still love to play with toys. Adult toys (a.k.a. sex toys) can bring a lot of excitement and discovery within the average hook-up. For solo play or for mutual pleasure, have fun playing with your partner. Male and female specific toys are designed to increase the user’s pleasure, which could make any sexual encounter unforgettable.

6. Treats

Adding a few edible components to the sexual encounter can provide an experience that is not easily forgotten. To increase sensual pleasure, simply add strawberries or whip cream to your activities. If you’re feeling really messy, use chocolate syrup. These sweet treats can make your romp unbelievably delicious.

Some hook-ups can be good, some hook-ups can be bad, and some hook-ups can be downright ugly. With this checklist, you are one step closer to achieving the ultimate hook up. Try these tips in your next encounter and see how much your partner appreciates it. Remember to pick a good location and always bring the right supplies.

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